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Clifford F. Dekle Sr.
Executive Vice President

Your Real Estate Partner for Life!

As far as I can remember, sales have always been my greatest passion! I have sold everything from Real Estate to telephones to legal plans. I fell in love with sales as a young child. In 1955, as a kindergartener, I received rave reviews over my school pictures. I trotted throughout my community, sold each 2X3 photo for ten cents, and earned five dollars! To date, I have sold almost everything but the Brooklyn Bridge! My motto since then is that it is not the item you are selling, "you must sell yourself." Hundreds of people globally have entrusted me professionally and personally because of who I am and what I represent. I am a fair man and lover of people.


I began my Real Estate career 1982 in New Jersey and New York. I was considered "The Goat" in my offices. The 1980s was Prime Time to buy & sell Prime Real Estate. It was the most exciting and rewarding time of my Professional career.


After the recession, I Semi-Retired for over forty years to pack my bags to relocate to Georgia to assist my daughter with her thriving Real Estate Firm, P. René Estates & Associates. I am happy to know that her firm is eponymous with the name I gave to her. I am now advising her team and have passed my cloven hooves to her. Real Estate Sales will always be tied to our lineage because one of her requirements before her three sons leave her home, is to attend Real Estate school.

Our team strives to encounter, educate and encourage everyone to own a piece of the American Pie of Land! After all, behind oil, Real Estate is the largest single investment one will ever make. Contact us so we can enjoy helping you with your Real Estate goals!

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